Beat the Holiday Stress with 30 Days of Self-Care and Gratitude

I’ve had some major writers block lately- actually, ever since my wedding in May, life has been completely nonstop. There have been very few moments where I’ve been in town 10 days in a row. This past month, I was scheduled to be grounded every weekend, but then my grandmother got sick and so I spent 10 straight days in Texas — it was the longest that I stayed at my parents’ house since 2016! But that is time that I am so grateful to have had, I spent the next few weeks in a deep funk, working through immeasurable grief and after taking care of others, remembering to take care of myself too.

indulge in your own mental wellbeing all month long!

It’s something that I feel is so important as we move through this time of year, between changes in the weather, fewer sunlit hours, familial obligations, and crunch time for most of our jobs, it can be hard to find “me time” and when we do, it often feels selfish and then is less than helpful. Self-care also carries with it stigmas of selfishness and indulgence, I’m tackling those by sharing free ways to practice, quick ways to practice, and reminding you that taking care of yourself should always be a priority and that expressing gratitude can be the best way to make yourself feel better.

I wanted to take an entire month to celebrate that feeling of calm when I practice self care and that feeling of warmth when I remind myself what I’m really grateful for, I hope you join in for parts of it, or that it inspires you to find some time in your own life

This month you can look forward to:

Daily posts all month long on @sometimesivacay focussing on self care and gratitude, follow #SIVSelfCare to get all of the posts!

What are Self Care and Gratitude??

9 Totally Free Forms of Self-Care!!

5 Forms of Expressing Gratitude <3

Looking Back on a Year Full of Anxiety, Love, Loss, Family, and Being Grateful for Every Minute of It.

Continuing Self-Care Through the Notoriously Stressful Holidays!

Let me know in the comments below or on Instagram what you’re looking forward to about this series! Or share your favorite forms of self care <3.

About The Author
